
Changing Perspectives

Changing perspectives

Today I did something new, I held a coaching session in the great outdoors. To be precise, in the beautiful Dorset countryside. My client and I decided to take some light exercise during our coaching session, so, with notebook and pen in hand, we set off, the afternoon sun just clinging on.

One of my personal goals, which happened to be one of my client’s, too, is to take more exercise. So, by combining the two, we were both in an excellent place to talk freely and openly and have a successful 45 minute session. For me, coaching while walking was a little daunting, but as we gained momentum and settled in, the time seemed to whizz by and I could feel changes and shifts were occurring for my client.

In coaching, we often talk about changing perspectives; looking at things in different ways in order to overcome obstacles. Our walking session allowed us both to relax, breathe deeply and appreciate the wild and great outdoors, whilst focusing on growing and developing. This new coaching perspective was deeply satisfying and invigorating and one which I will be employing with clients in the future. We returned from our walk refreshed, energized and with a new sense of calm and purpose. Whilst I didn’t use my note pad and pen in the end, I was able to take my client on a journey, both literally and metaphorically.

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